Considered to be one of the most respectable art work in the country, forming a heritage name throughout worldwide. When we say embroidery, the instant thought for anyone would be Hakoba work, the name has carved a niché for its own in embroidery industry.


The name Hakoba is formed by two brothers 50years ago, making this art known for women around the world. But it is an art being practiced for 3000years. While many would believe this art work is from Japan or German considering its popularity in those country, but the Hakoba art work is truly a Home brand of India. The way Hakoba work became famous is through Fashion shows mostly but there came a time when the beautiful art was slowing down and was being taken over by other handwork arts, in 2001, this finest art work was revamped and relooked and an in-depth research was done across the country to understand the current trend and the target audeinces were redefined to cater younger women and teenage girls also. Earlier years the Hakoba work was done only on cotton fabric , but recent times this work is performed on other materials like Silk, Net and other blend.

Muslin fabric fine hakoba work


Chikan Kari work and Hakoba are somewhat a simliar looking art form, Hakoba is a delicate and very intricately done hand embroidery on a variety of fabric like net, muslin is a famous and mostly used fabric for Hakoba, organza and silk. White thread is embroidered on cool pastel shades of light muslin and cotton materials. But in recent times Hakoba embroidery is done with coloured and silk threads n colours to meet the fashion trend and to keep the art of Hakoba upto date. Intricate embroidery, Dainty craftsmanship and impeccable detailing are synonyms of Hakoba.

Hakoba embroidered Salwar suit

Other Usages

Hakoba finds its foot placed in various categories. When it comes to Fashion, it is very apt to say that the usage of Hakoba touches every surface. To name few are, Belts, Lace, watch straps, inner wear to hi fashion garments, even footwear and jewellery. To term it simply, the sky is the limit to this 3000year old art. This is precisely the reason why Hakoba Embroidery has and will continue to enjoy a very long life around the world.

Baby shoes in Hakoba work
Hakoba pants

Inner wear



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